Space Technology moved on very fast with multipurpose satellites and
manned spacecraft missions. Landsat satellite program by NASA is worth
discussion in this field. Initial name for the satellites used in this program
was Earth Resources Technology Satellites (ERTS). Six satellites were launched
in this scheme. Since 6th satellite suffered a launch failure, the
successful 6 satellites were named later as Landsat 1,2,3,4,5 and 7. 5
different types of sensors namely return beam vidicon, multispectral scanner,
thematic mapper, enhanced thematic mapper and enhanced thematic mapper plus
were used in these satellites. Landsat 1, 2 and 3 were butterfly shaped systems
and similar in their operation. Landsat 1, 2 and 3 images provided necessary
data for the study of long term global changes. Landsat 4 and 5 satellites were
launched into lower orbits. This lowering of orbit radius facilitated
resolution of the different sensors mounted on the satellite. Enhanced thematic
mapper plus was the earth observing sensor unit used in Landsat 7.
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